Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. We had one guest, Maria who will be applying as a member. Tim Corwin spoke about a Saturday hike starting at 9:45am start. Mary Kelly was our sargent and won the 50/50 also picked the 5 of clubs. I have to say the sargent seems to be winning a lot lately clearly conicidental. Laurie thanked everyone for participating in the Holiday Party. We have decided NOT to meet over the next two Thursdays, with plans to resume on January 9th. Mary had a holiday theme to her questions. There's a town called Snowflake in Arizona. Three gifts the wise men presented are Murryh, Frankincense and Gold. Mary reference the fictional holiday of Festivus, the airing of grievances. 1.6 Billion holiday cards go out, but how many actually get delivered and end up on the refrigerator? It takes 7 years to grow a Christmas Tree. There are 9 candles on a menorah. There is actually a town in Alaska called North Pole. The North Pole doesn't have a time zone. The legend of Rudolph the red nosed reigndeer started in 1939. Eddison is credited with the invention of Christmas lights. The biggest light show is in Williamsburg Virginia. Our program was Chris from Go Primal Lifestyle, a mental health survivor . He told us about his story overcoming losing his dad early in life, the lows, bottoming out and then using his experience in a positive way. We thank Chris for stopping in to visit us and we wish him the best in using his experience to help men who struggle with issues of mental health.